Trustpower’s contact details: you can find all in this page


This page give you about the Trustpower’s contact details as below;

  • You can find Trustpower’s contact details easily.
  • Trustpower’s contact according to your purpose and preferred way.

I’m going to explain about Trustpower’s contact as below.

  1. Trustpower’s contacts through online, phone, chat and letter
  2. Trustpower’s Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”)

featured image reference: Trustpower

1. Trustpower’s contacts through online, phone, chat and letter

Contact details of Trustpower are as below.

Online Enquires
Phone number
(For a customer)
0800 87 87 87
(Monday- Friday  8:00am – 6:30pm)
Phone number
(For not a customer)
0800 36 98 45
Monday – Thursday: 8.30am – 7.00pm
Friday: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Chat Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 6.30pm
Saturday – Sunday: 8.00am – 5.00pm
Letter Trustpower Limited
Private Bag 12023
Tauranga Mail Centre
Tauranga 3143

reference: Trustpower

It is good for you to double-check the contact details of Trustpower on their website just in case.

2. Trustpower’s Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”)

Trustpower’s “FAQ”s of Power, Gas, Broadband, Phone, Account enquiries and etc are as below.


  1. Guide for the running cost of appliances
  2. Power saving tips
  3. Planned maintenance

See all FAQ of power


  1. LPG bottle delivery
  2. Ordering LPG bottles via our Trustpower App
  3. When to order a LPG refill

See all FAQ of Gas


  1. Troubleshooting Guides: Broadband, Phone and Mobile
  2. Improve your internet connection with RouteThis
  3. Differences between ADSL and VDSL

See all FAQ of Broadband

Account Enquiries

  1. Plans and pricing for your home
  2. Receiving your first bill
  3. Joining Trustpower

See all FAQ of Account Enquiries

Moving House

  1. Moving your Trustpower services
  2. Setting up a direct debit
  3. Broadband connection timeframes

See all FAQ of Moving House

Joining Trustpower

  1. Trustpower App
  2. Paying your Trustpower bill
  3. Trustpower’s bank details

See all FAQ of Joining Trustpower

3. Summary

I summarised the contact details of Trustpower for you to get it as soon as possible.

If you have questions or if you want to join Trustpower, it good for you to contact Trustpower as soon as possible.

Many thanks to read this page!!

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