POWERSWITCH|The best way to find your cheapest electricity plan


This page give you the best answers for the following questions;

  • What is Powerswitch ?
  • What can I do through Powerswitch ?
  • How can I get to know the cheapest electricity plan for me?
  • Should I switch a current power company to another one to save electricity cost ?

This page is the best for you to understand about these types of questions.

I’m going to explain about Powerswitch one by one as below;

  1. What is Powerswitch ?
  2. Why is Powerswitch is the best to get to know the cheapest electricity plan?
  3. How to find your cheapest electricity plan through Powerswitch ?

If you read this page, you can easily understand what Powerswitch is and what you should do to save your electricity cost.

1. What is Powerswitch ?


Powerswitch is the best website in New Zealand to find which power company and pricing plan is the cheapest for you !!

Powerswitch says that basically you can save the electricity cost of $350 per year, if you just switch to the cheapest plan in your local area according to the result from the Powerswitch website.

Powerswitch is a free and independent service that helps you work out which power company and pricing plan is the cheapest for you. Using our comprehensive database of electricity and gas prices, it is easy to compare plans and find the cheapest deal in your area.

reference: Powerswitch

2. Why is Powerswitch is the best to get to know the cheapest electricity plan?

Powerswitch is operated by Consumer NZ, which is an independent, non-profit organisation to offer New Zealanders a fairer deal and established in 1959.

It is important that the Powerswitch is operated by the non-profit organisation, because the power company and pricing plan offered by Powerswitch is fair and reasonable.

We have to take care about compare websites operated by a company

If a website to compare the electricity companies and plans is operated by a company, the power companies and plans recommended by the website may be changeable depend on their profits, advertisement fees from power companies and etc.

3. How to find your cheapest electricity plan through Powerswitch ?

It’s very easy and simple to find the cheapest plan for you !!

It will takes just a few minutes.

Step1. Input your address.


As a sample, I input the address of Consumer NZ.

Step2. Input your ICP and retailer.


ICP・・・Installation Control Point number (ICP). Basically 15 digits – numbers and letters (ex. 0012105789 EL 66C )

You can find your ICP on your current bill somewhere as below.


Step3. Gas – choose Yes or No.


*LPG (“Liquid Petroleum Gas”) pricing is not supported by Powerswitch. So you need to select YES for plumbed gas only.


reference: (left)matagas, (right)Trust power

Step4. Register your contact details, if you like.


You can register your contact details, if you like.

If you don’t like to register, you can skip this step without your contact details.

Step5. Input the number of the people in your house.


You can choose one from 1-2 people,  3-4 people or 5+ people.

After you choose one, you will be asked that someone is home during the day or not. So you choose.


Step6. Answer about the heating products and systems.


You can choose one or more than 2 based on your situation.

If you answer more than 2, you will be asked some questions, for example “which heating do you use the most ?”


Step7. Choose – how to heat your water.


Step8. Choose about the insulation.


You choose the spots where the Insulations are installed in your house.

Step9. Find the cheapest plan for you.


It’s very easy to understand which company and plan is the cheapest for you, because the list is sorted out based on the estimated yearly cost as described above.

Also, you can filter your results based on the following aspects – ①Smart meter required, ②Fixed term, ③Spot price and ④Online only.

For example, in this case, the cheapest plan is “Electric Kiwi – Stay Ahead 200 All inclusive Residential (Standard User)” on the top of the list.

Basically “Electric Kiwi” often comes to the top of the price list as a result of the calculation based on the data your input.

So, I’m going to introduce Electric Kiwi as below.

Reference: What is Electric Kiwi?


Electric Kiwi” is an independent kiwi power company, and one of the fastest growing power company in New Zealand.

Electric Kiwi started with three friends who wanted to shake up the power industry in 2014, and now it’s becoming a major of the small brands of the power companies.

The main points of the service by Electric Kiwi are as below.

Main Points Details
Guaranteed savings If you haven’t saved after 12 months, we’ll give you a credit to make sure you do.
An hour of free off-peak power every day The off-peak time slots are between 9am-5pm and 9pm-7am every day.
No contract No fixed-term, and no breaking fee.

In addition, Electric Kiwi received awards from Consumer NZ, Canstar Blue and Reader’s Digest. So you don’t need to worry about switching to Electric Kiwi !!

4. Summary

Although I explained about Powerswitch on this page, is it useful for you to understand Powerswitch ?

  • Powerswitch is the best website in New Zealand to find which power company and pricing plan is the cheapest for you.
  • Powerswitch is operated by Consumer NZ, which is one of the major non-profit organization.
  • It takes just a few minutes to get to know the cheapest electricity plan for you.

Lastly, I’m hoping that you could understand what is Powerswitch and how to find your cheapest electricity plan.

Many thanks to read this page at the end.

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